Maria.B is one of the biggest brands of Pakistan which provides best ladies dresses in Pakistan. But the prices of these suits are very high everyone cannot effort these high prices suits. So that’s why Cotton Valley presents a master replica of Pakistani designer suits online. You can buy best replicas of all brands online from there specially Maria.B, Sana Safinaz, LimeLight, Zara Ahmed, Firdous, Anaya, Saphire, etc.

Here are the cheap winter and summer unstitched clothes for women which everyone can effort easily. Cotton Valley is the only online store in Pakistan which do not compromise on its quality which provides A+ copy suits of all Pakistani Brands.

Here you can buy a master replica of Maria.B linen and lawn unstitched dresses online. Cotton Valley also provides the first copy of stitched linen and lawn formal shirts of Maria.B which are ready to wear. We sale at wholesale prices so hurry up and check out these first copy of Maria.b 2020 winter collection.

We pick the best and latest designs of Maria.B and create its first copy and provide at very cheap prices. Cotton Valley make unstitched ladies master replica which looks like same as original and also use the best fabric in clothes. Buy Maria.B best replica designer dresses from Cotton Valley. Because we are the most recommended replica online store in Pakistan which provides the best quality of replicas. Our speciality is that we call the customer before dispatching and confirm the order and we also have 7 days return and exchange policy.

Showing 1–12 of 14 results

Maria B 2PC Latest Embroidered Marina Replica MB-11

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Original price was: ₨2,199.00.Current price is: ₨1,799.00.
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Maria B 2PC Black Embroidered Linen Replica MB-10

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Original price was: ₨2,299.00.Current price is: ₨1,849.00.
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Maria B 2PC Fully Embroidered Linen Replica MB-09

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Original price was: ₨2,299.00.Current price is: ₨1,849.00.
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Maria B 3PC Yellow Embroidered Linen Replica MB-08

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Original price was: ₨2,299.00.Current price is: ₨1,899.00.
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Maria B 3PC Golden Embroidered Linen Replica MB-07

In stock

Original price was: ₨2,299.00.Current price is: ₨1,899.00.
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Maria B 3PC Brown Embroidered Suit Replica MB-06

In stock

Original price was: ₨2,349.00.Current price is: ₨1,849.00.
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